Kean Music Department (where the 'K' stands for Kwality)
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Welcome to, a site created to pay tribute to the faculty and students, past and present, of the Kean Music Dept.

Most of the content on this site was written with Macromedia Flash. You will need to download the plug-in here in order to view the content.

Also, be sure to TURN YOUR SPEAKERS ON!

This site was created without any malice in heart, and should be viewed as a joke. If you feel like adding information to this site--a picture, a story, whatever--please email us. Enjoy your stay.


- Punky 'Allison' Brewster

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©Copyright 2006.  All rights reserved. Save your brain--go to Kean.  Designed by 'the Anonymous V'. 'Don't be a Kean in the butt'