HU 2900. Humanities and Arts Project Center Preparation

This course is open to students accepted to off-campus Humanities and Arts centers and programs. The course introduces students to methods for site-specific research, project-design, and analysis related to humanities and arts study. It also develops HUA disciplinary skills appropriate both to the projects students have selected and to the culture of the project center where they will be working. Students learn to develop project objectives, milestones, and deliverables in their topic areas related to their forthcoming onsite work and expectations. Students make presentations, write an organized project proposal, and develop a deliverable design for reporting their project findings. This course is a co-requisite for off-campus Humanities and Arts project center study only and is not a replacement for ID2050. This credit will not count toward the Humanities and Arts requirement.

London HUA Project Center Website

View examples of student work from the London HUA Project Center